2024 Written Exam
Associate Superintendent Contact Information
Dr. Michael Pate
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Telephone (435) 797-0989
Email: michael.pate@usu.edu
Written Exam Format
Mark all answers on the scan-sheet using a pencil.
The exam will consist of 25 questions - five for each skill area of the event. Each question is worth two points.
The questions will be a mix of 3 math and 2 systems-based questions.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this exam.
You may write on the exam, but information on the exam will not be graded. Blank sheets of paper will be provided if additional calculation space or scratch paper is needed.
If a diagram, picture, or table is needed to answer a question on another page, the question will refer to the appropriate figure/page.
Read each question carefully and determine the single correct answer.
If a mark on the scan sheet needs to be changed, completely erase the incorrect answer and clearly mark the appropriate answer on the answer sheet.
Each student needs a calculator to complete this examination, but calculators may not be shared between students. And cell phone calculator apps cannot be used. Bring a calculator.
Formulas and conversion values are provided. Do not round off intermediate answers when using the calculator to solve these problems.
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Content Standards
CS.03.03. Performance Indicator: Apply health and safety practices to AFNR worksites.
PST.02.02. Operate machinery and equipment while observing all safety precautions in AFNR settings.
Reference Sheets
Reference sheets specific to problems will be included with the exam.
These may include tables, diagrams, pictures, formulas, and additional information.
A reference sheet will be indicated within the specific question when a table, etc. is needed.
Reference Books
Agricultural Technical Systems and Mechanics by Koel, Maur, Moniz & Radcliff, American Technical Publishers (ATP). (2nd Editon)
Chapter 2 Safety and health
Chapter 3 Hand tools
Chapter 7 fasteners
Chapter 10 concrete principles
Chapter 17 Plumbing
Chapter 21 Electrical distribution systems
Chapter 22 sustainable energy systems
Agricultural Mechanics and Technology Systems, 2nd Edition, https://www.g-w.com/agricultural-mechanics-technology-systems-2024
Chapter 5 Safety
Chapter 8 power tools
Chapter 10 project planning and design
Chapter 19 fencing
Chapter 23 Electric motors and controls
Chapter 25 farm and landscape irrigation
Chapter 31 Gas tungsten arc welding
Chapter 37 hydraulic and pneumatic power
Please review the general references for the CDE. - CDE rules
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