2024 Electricity Systems Activity
UPDATED April 9, 2024
Associate Superintendent Contact Information
Nathan Clark Senior Instructor-Agricultural Education
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Telephone (970) 491-3930
Email: Nathan.Clark@colostate.edu
The purpose of the Electrical Skill Activity is to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving, analytical and hands-on skills related to agricultural technology and mechanical systems and the practical application of those skills to meet the need of a dynamic agricultural workplace.
Possible activities for the 2023 event
Connect a dual voltage electric motor to power source for a given agricultural application.
Install electrical circuits, switching devices, current protection, contact relays, sensors, etc. for proper electric motor installation.
Connect electric motor controls for given motor use in a given agricultural application.
Note: Each of the possible activities could involve: Determining the correct size conductors, devices and overcurrent protection for specific circuit applications based on: ampacity, Ohm’s law, wire length and size, specific applications such as in air, in conduit, underground and preparing conductors and connecting devices.
Event Related Competencies
Use appropriate standards for agricultural applications, including the National Electrical Code (NEC), Electrical Testing Laboratory (ETL), Factory Mutual, Underwriters Laboratory (UL), Canadian Standard Association (CSA) and/or OSHA standards.
Determine volt, amp and ohm relationships (Ohm’s and other application laws).
Interpret electric motor nameplate data.
Identify electric motors and motor parts.
Identify methods of providing electric motor protection.
Identify and describe basic principles of controls including thermostats; humidistat; photoelectric; magnetic relays; programmable controllers; proximity switches and sensors; ultrasonics; timers and other time-delay equipment and pressure, motion, limit, float and sail switches.
Select appropriate wire sizes and protection devices for specific loads and lengths of circuits.
Read schematics and sketch wiring circuits.
Install service entrance for single phase 120/240V service or three-phase power.
Connect and operate electrical motors to power source.
Change the direction of electric motor rotation
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Content Standards
AS.05.01.02.c. Select, use and evaluate equipment, technology and handling procedures to enhance sustainability and production efficiency.
CS.03.04.01.b. Analyze and summarize protective equipment requirements on various AFNR tools and equipment.
CS.03.04.01.c. Design plans to ensure the use of appropriate protective equipment when using various AFNR tools and equipment.
CS.06.04.02.c. Evaluate and select appropriate tools and equipment to complete AFNR tasks.
CRP.02.01.01.b. Assess workplace problems and identify the most appropriate academic knowledge and skills to apply.
PS.03.05.04.b. Analyze the proper conditions required to maintain the quality of plants and plant products held in storage and during shipping.
PST.01.02.03.b. Select, maintain and demonstrate the proper use of tools, machines and equipment used in different AFNR-related mechanical systems.
PST.03.02.01.c. Analyze and design electrical circuits for AFNR power, structural and technical systems using knowledge of the basic units of electricity.
PST.03.02.02.b. Analyze and interpret electrical system symbols and diagrams.
PST.03.02.03.b. Distinguish and select materials and tools used in electrical control circuit installation.
PST.04.04.01.c. Install and/or repair fixtures following appropriate codes and standards.
PST.04.04.02.c. Plan and wire electrical circuits (i.e., single pole switch, three-way switch, duplex outlet, etc.).
Suggested Resources
NFPA 70, 2023 National Electric Code, National Fire Protection Association
Agricultural Wiring Handbook (17th ed. or later).
Electrical Wiring (7th ed. or later) by Ralph Duncan & James E. Wren. Available from AAVIM
Electrical Controls (2nd ed.) by James M. Allison. Available from AAVIM
Please review the general references for the CDE. - CDE rules